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Experimenting with LMMS!

I say "experimenting" because I actually don't know how to compose with LMMS. What I do know is that I downloaded a bunch of SNES soundfonts back in 2021 and decided it'd be funny to shove MIDIs in it. Will organize by game if this page gets too big :'>

Doom II: Running From Evil (Soundfont: SNES Doom I)

Dated June 28th, 2023. First attempt at messing with LMMS as a whole (I had messed with the soundfonts before but never really saved anything fdkjghdkg) and was caused by the thought "kinda sad Doom II wasn't ported to the SNES. But what if It Did?". Would be proud of it if it didn't take less than five minutes to make (though it was fun to pick the instruments).

Doom I: Nobody Told Me About id (Soundfont: Kirby's Dream Land 3)

Dated June 28th, 2023, immediately after Running From Evil. My lovely line of thought went from "imagining Doom II being ported" to "imagining games that are definitely not Doom in the Doom style". I've nicknamed this one "Kirby's Got A Gun". I also realized half-way through that the Kirby's Dream Land 3 soundfont lacks actual percussion, so Kirby's got a gun and a horse or something.