Hi! My name's Leo! I like to vibe, play games, watch anime, and occasionally write. Been lurking on social media (mainly my (currently on permanent hiatus) Tumblr, essentially a clunkier version of this) but decided to review my barebones coding knowledge to check this out.

Don't let the Cool Vaporwave Vibe fool you. I just picked it because I like vaporwave, purple and Serial Experiments Lain :') Other stuff I might talk about here includes games like boomer shooters (Doom, Postal, Blood, Duke Nukem and some more) and Metal Gear Solid. Regarding anime, my taste varies from Cells at Work to stuff like JJBA and Berserk, so expect Variety.

Oh I also like to collect Uni-ball pens. They're pretty! Look at them! (Old picture is old but I don't feel like taking a new one right now...)


The TLDR: you can contact me via Tumblr or you can go full 2009 and bug me on Windows Live Messenger (leotheweirdo@escargot.chat). Yes I am an Escargot shill, was it that obvious? (???)

Alternatively, shoot me an e-mail!




Also! My (hastily made) button so you can link back to my page :D

Site button!